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2019-03-06 00:00:00

VertCrustThumbWe keep on diggin' up cool stuff. Hey, these boards are hot on eBay. 



We keep on diggin' up cool stuff. Hey, these boards are hot on eBay. —Phelps

Posted: November 4, 2009

Ray Underhill hoists a Madonna in Houston on a Powell Experimental. Photo: Ogden

Twenty years of burlitude—Danny Way’s H-Street board, cruising with a retainer. Photo: Ogden

Lester Kasai, Andrecht on a Sims Kamikaze. Photo: Mofo

Mark Rogowski on a very rare G&S Gator; he was soon to be on Vision. Photo: Mofo

Mike Smith styles a Del Mar backside on a Madrid signature ply. Photo: Mofo

Eric Grisham gettin’ bio on his Variflex load. Photo: Mofo