2019-03-06 00:00:00
2019-03-06 00:00:00
2019-03-06 00:00:00
2019-03-06 00:00:00
2019-03-06 00:00:00
2019-03-06 00:00:00

Admit it, you've always wondered which Skater of the Year most closely aligns with your own personality and approach to skating. No? Never? Well, take our quiz anyway, smart-ass.

Each Skater of the Year is unique and yet they all share one thing: they're the gnarliest skaters ever. These guys represent different eras, but have skate legacies that are timeless. It's impossible to compare them to each other but we sure as hell can determine which one best represents you. That's easy, because we devised a complex mathematical formula based within 15 simple questions.

Answer honestly, and see which of the SOTYs above that you are most similar to.

Did skating come easy for you or did you progress slowly?

Starting your own skate company is...

Should skating be in the Olympics?

What do you see when you interpret this inkblot?

What will be your approach to skating at the age of 35 and beyond? (or if you're
that age now)

I think that Skate Coach parents...

A proper Skate Date would consist of...

What kind of sponsors would you like to have the most?

Would you rather have a skate career where you are a contest king with lots of sponsors OR an underground ripper with an
epic legacy?

Would you try a high-risk trick without
a filmer?

How many times would you return to the same spot to get a make?

Which of these collaborations would you support the most?

Steve Olson...

Pressure Flips...

Which of these are legitimate reasons for you not to skate?